Google Ads Campaign Management in 2024

As a business owner, are you effectively managing your Google Ads campaigns, and getting optimal results from your campaigns. Over the last 12 months there have been many significant changes in Google Ads. If you are a small and medium sized business and are managing your own Google Ads, it’s important you are keeping abreast of these changes. Not all Google Recommendations are appropriate for small and medium sized business.

Is it Time to Outsource Your Google Ads?

Are you Getting the Results You Want?

When clients talk to me about my Google Ads campaign management services, they are often considering the benefit of outsourcing this.

They usually are struggling with 5 key aspects:

  1. Their current campaigns performance, for generating new leads, online sales, and ROI.
  2. Their level of ad placement ‘budget waste’, due to individual campaigns not being optimally set up, including effective use of negative keywords, using the correct keyword match type, optimally using SiteLinks extensions, and choosing an appropriate bidding strategy that fits to their budget.
  3. Having the level of expertise and knowledge to use the Google Ads interface effectively, and keeping abreast of the ongoing changes.
  4. Getting the level of client conversions they desire and understanding the role of the landing page and its messaging, to support their Google Ads campaign performance.
  5. Having sufficient time at their end to frequently track and monitor their campaign/s, to ensure their campaigns are optimally working

If you are also facing any of these concerns, and would like to discuss your Google Ads campaigns, I provide a no obligation free consultation to discuss your campaign’s performance and how Aztera Marketing can assist your business.

Aztera Marketing in Wellington is a certified Google Partner for Google Ads. We provide affordable Google Ads management services – without the big agency fees.

Improving Your Google Ads Results – Your Landing Pages

Like many businesses, you are wanting to maximise the return on your Google Ads spend.  Often the focus is on your Google Ads campaign set up, with a much lower focus on the ads Landing Page.  These two are highly integrated aspects, impacting on your campaign performance.

Your Google Ads campaign set up is important for optimising your promotional spend, so that ads are targeted and placed effectively.  Through using negative keywords, strong ad text, and effective use of SiteLinks, these are all key with improving the performance of your campaign.

However, most of the customer conversion activity is a result of your chosen landing page.  And first impressions count.  Three key considerations:

  1. Does it quickly and effectively communicate the benefit of your product or service.
  2. Are you maximising your marketing and promotional messages high up on the landing page.
  3. If you are including an offer is it strong and enticing.

What’s more, and if possible, have you been able to include anything like a promotion, customer testimonials, or a special price offer on that page, e.g. free consultation, download a checklist etc.

So, when developing your Google Ads campaign, take an extra moment to look critically at your chosen Landing Page, to see if it needs any simple improvements to assist with and improve your sales and conversions.


Note: Aztera Marketing in Wellington is an approved Google Partner. We are Google certified in Google Search Ads, Google Display Ads, and Google Shopping Ads. We specialise in supporting small and medium sized businesses.